I Must Say Goodbye
I walked across the meadow to that lovely Dogwood tree
Where, in the spring, the birds did sing,
And you said yes to me.
My mind afar did wander---Recalled our tender love--
Our arms entwine, your lips on mine,
'Neath lovely blossoms up above.
I thought, then, of our marriage, how good and filled with bliss.
How sweet you smiled, how blest with child;
There's nought to equal this.
I whiled away the hours with thoughts how I was blest;
Such wondrous joy, each girl and boy,
The offspring of our nest.
But, comes the time too soon, the hour for which I wait.
To tell you, dear, the hour is near---
How can I speak my fate?
For I must take a journey into the yonder mist.
Yea, I must go, no more to know
The tender lips I've kissed.
For God is calling to Him this one who loves you so.
Through all the years, through smiles and tears,
You've set my life aglow.
I know that heaven's waiting but in my fleshly state,
I hate to leave, I know you'll grieve---
The hour is growing late.
I feel your arms around me, your tears upon my cheek.
Your aching heart will tear apart
The solace which I seek.
I watch the shadows gather; with sadness, now, I sigh
For thought I find, leaving you behind---
My love, I must say goodbye.
By L. B. Strawn
August 21, 1991