The Power of Love and the Power of Hate
The power of love and the power of hate;
One can destroy, the other create.
One is dispassionate, rude and unkind.
The other is compassionate and thoughtful of mind.
Hate will destroy both self, and others,
While love creates a family of brothers.
When those in the world refuse to learn,
The best of these two, they surely will spurn.
To please their own selves, to do their own thing,
Can only ill temper and rudeness bring.
Instead of caring, or trying to please,
They'd rather bring someone else to their knees.
To always please self is the power of hate,
So easy to do, one could never be late.
For the power of love, one must have great desire
And, turn up the volume, ever higher and higher.
It's volume can never become too high,
Nor discordant, and the reason why---
Love is tender, patient and selfless,
While hate is discordant and totally selfish.
The power of hate is of the world,
Ready to strike, as a Rattle Snake, curled.
It is not so with the power of love---
It's from the Father, in heaven, above.
Hate will bring a condition of fear,
Causing crimes like rape and murder to appear.
For hate is evil, as are such crimes,
And now we live in such fearful times.
Will the sinful world ever find this love,
The power from God I've been speaking of?
Or, will it continue it's downward trend
So that, God, in judgement, will soon bring the end?
By L. B, Strawn
June 6 & 7 and October 5, 1991