Shadow Side of the Hill
All of our lives we seem to be climbing
High up the mountain until,
One day we pause to look around us
And find we're on the shadow side of the hill.
We think of our strength as never failing,
And fail to notice we're growing old until
We awake some morn and look in the mirror
To find we're on the shadow side of the hill.
We seek a life overflowing with pleasure,
Not fearing the consequence until,
We suddenly come to our senses and notice,
We're on the shadow side of the hill.
Then, as suddenly we become very serious,
So thoughtful and ernest and still;
We ponder the deeds back behind us
'Cause we're on the shadow side of the hill.
If we'd only accept the Lord's teaching,
If we'd bend and yield our stubborn will
While we're young and eager and full of energy
Ere we reach the shadow side of the hill.
We could do so much for Jesus,
Bring others to Him! Oh, what a thrill,
If we'd put the lust for pleasure behind us
Ere we reach the shadow side of the hill.
Do you really think God would be pleased
At your throwing away your life until
You stand aghast on the precipice
On the shadow side of the hill?
By L. B. Strawn