
Once we were strangers in a far away place,

But certainly not for long,

For some Christ-like people took us in

And made our journey a lovely song.

They housed and fed us and gave us a bed;

Our beings were filled with delight.

Though we'd never been to this place before

They made everything seem so right.

God bless them for their hospitality;

Their christian love is showing,

And, just like those of whom Jesus spoke,

The light of their lives is glowing.

Indeed, it is so sweet to see,

As on our journey we go,

That christ has filled many lives

And caused them to brightly glow.

We thank them for their christian love

In receiving us into their lives,

And sharing with us their thoughts and cares;

The way, in which, fellowship thrives.

Someday, we pray that they will come

To another place far away,

Allow us to show our gratitude

And some of our debt repay.

By L. B. Strawn

August 13, 1978